Bring The Love Back Campaign
Bring The Love Back Campaign
Bring the Love Back Campaign's goal is to forge a nationwide commitment by people acting individually and together to prevent violence and build safer, healthy, more caring communities.
Our work includes:
“Bring The Love Back” public service advertising (PSA) campaigns.
An inclusive network of citizens, professionals, and organizations who implement youth serving programs at the grass root level.
High-quality educational materials of all types including curriculum, booklets, brochures, program kits, music, and posters.
Demonstration programs that involve schools, youth, and community groups that test theories in the everyday world and provide knowledge vital to effective violence prevention and community building.
Training for national, state, and local violence prevention practitioners, community leaders, schools, youth groups, and other key members of the community.
Urban League of Greater Atlanta – 98 affiliates in 39 states, and federal, state, and local organizations committed to violence prevention.
Dallas Austin Music Academy educational products and programs that help reinforce important "changing lives, one beat at a time" messages.